

With so much access to information and distractions on the internet, it's easy to get sidetracked. Whether you're working on a report for work or attempting to do schoolwork, sometimes your favorite app or social media is sitting there just a click away. Too often, the temptation is succumbed to, and you find yourself clicking through sites without even glancing at your work. FocusMe is a site that aims to aid in refocusing your attention on your work by allowing you to set up a scheduled time to block certain websites. This is a site that's been in development for over 10 years, and since its launch has seen over 10,000 downloads. It also boasts have a rated 100% in solving customer requests. It boasts being able to help you concentrate on work to get those assignments done just that much faster and more efficiently, and perhaps even land you a promotion through your increased work effectiveness. it also gears itself towards protecting children, allowing you to block sites that you think may be detrimental to your child. Regardless of its use, FocusMe has the software available to increase productivity and focus.

Download FocusMe
Features of FocusMe
  • Block Websites and Applications: Choose what sites you want to block and for what period of time.
  • Create a Whitelist: For children or for yourself, make a list of sites that can be accessed safely.
  • Time Tracking: If you are urious about how much time is spent on certain sites, use this feature.
Pros of FocusMe
  • Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Numerous Features
  • Supported on Number of Browsers
  • Android App is Free
Cons of FocusMe
  • Payment Plans
FocusMe Reviews

When you first look at the site, all of the necessary information is provided for you with a quick scroll down. The colors used on the site are calm and modern, only aiding credence to FocusMe's claim to aid in focusing your attention on your work. The site is simple to navigate with features listed right at the top, as well as a link to examine the pricing for using FocusMe. Because the software itself has so many unique features and tools to utilize, you can use it however you may wish. Creating whitelists of sites that children can use not only keeps them focused on their schoolwork, but also can potentially protect them from accessing sites that might harm them in some way. The pricing, itself, is also agreeable. For $9 a month, the software gives you practically anything you can want to keep yourself on task with your work. There's also the choice of buying once at--currently--$99 which also provides all of the features that FocusMe boasts. That's a reasonable price for all that the software provides. They also have discounts for students and for businesses as well as non-profit organizations. With an emphasis on safety, they make sure that all monetary transactions go through a secure channel and even offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

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