Community is a book written by Peter Block which explores the importance of relationships between individuals. Block describes how individuals have been marginalized due to a lack of belonging.
- Available in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, and audiobook versions
- Advances theories for building communities
- Available in many formats
- Written in layman's language
- Well-organized
- Some information is out of date
- Many theories have been proposed before
- Writing can be bland at times
Peter Block makes a strong case for the importance of belonging in his book Community. The author contends that many individuals lack a connection to something larger than themselves, and that the absence of community leaves them feeling left out. As a result, community relations deteriorate. Block proposes that a new paradigm must emerge if fragmented communities are going to recover. Using models of successful communities, the author lays out a plan that can be implemented by both everyday citizens and leaders. His vision of community does not just extend to geographical locations where people live in close proximity. It also encompasses things like the workplace. A sense of community in the workplace can foster the growth and development of employees. The goal of Community is to advance the idea of six important conversations which must take place in order for communities to grow and thrive. These conversations cover multiple aspects of community building, and they even address how the design of physical structures and gathering places can provide individuals with a sense that they belong. This book does a good job of addressing one of society's most pressing problems: how do individuals maintain their sense of self while becoming part of a greater whole. Block goes beyond the standard chestnut of teamwork to provide legitimate action plans. Some have argued that the book is bland and contains very little substance. It has also been stated that some of the information provided in the book is outdated.