Filter Functions Social Listening


SocialWeaver makes it easy to schedule never-ending content, increase engagement, and listen to customers’ impressions — of you and your competitors.
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Sparkcentral changes the way customer service is delivered globally, by connecting businesses with customers through messaging.
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The enterprise social media management platform that makes it easy for your digital marketing & customer service teams to cultivate deeper brand engagement.
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Sprout Social

Description Sprout Social is an app that allows you to monitor all of the social media pages that you have wherever you are. However, you do need an account to use the app, but the account is easy
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Talkwalker is an incredibly powerful social media analytics tool & social media monitoring tool recommended by brands and agencies worldwide.
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One communication platform and tools for everyone on the care team including doctors, nurses, and patients – connecting beyond the four walls of the hospital.
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Jan 26, 2017 - The ability to report on your website performance isn't just a “nice to have” for today's marketers. It's a “need to have.” This makes building a web analytics dashboard that connects
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Alpha has gone into hibernation, permanently.
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TweetDeck is an app for managing Twitter accounts. It lets users track and update multiple Twitter accounts with one platform. The software was purchased by Twitter in 2011 for $40 million in
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Zoho Social

Zoho Social is a social media management tool that helps businesses and agencies grow their presence on social media. Signup for free. No credit card required.
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Hundreds of thousands of premium domains
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