Kinderlime is a program for daycare and afterschool programs to control and keep organized all of their childcare management needs. Kinderlime software allows schools and daycares to go paperless with signing children in and out and keep track of staff members' coming in and out. The software also allows for billing payments to be made through Kinderlime's own ACH and credit card payment systems. Kinderlime keeps all parent and child information secure and organized by keeping parent and child information in one place, keeping attendance and child activity in one place, and keeping child medical records, like allergies, in one place. Kinderlime offers a free demo for potential customers to try to software and make sure it is for them before purchasing and committing to it. Kinderlime is a convenient tool for childcare professionals that need to keep their children's and parents' information more organized and secured. The software makes it possible for parents to easily sign their kids in and out with a 4 digit pin and keep track of employees clocking in and out. Kinderlime also makes taking billing payments easier than ever with the option to set up weekly or monthly recurring payments with parents and taking secure online credit card or ACH payments. Kinderlime has a fun option for parents too. With the software, you can send pictures and videos of the children to their parents. You can also send them activity updates via push notifications on their phones and send them information about naps, meals, and other notes in the Kinderlime app. The Kinderlime software aims to be a one-stop shop for everything childcare management related and really delivers by covering all of the bases from making sure the children are all taken care of and accounted for and parents have convenient options for payment and dropping off their kids and are able to keep up with them consistently on the daily.
- Sign-in and out
- Recurring payments and secure online payments
- Send photos to parents
- Free trial
- Online payments
- Send Photos to parents of their kids
- Cons
- None