Easy Fonts
Easy Fonts is an un-official library of fonts collected from Google Fonts. Easy Fonts makes it much easier to use fonts in your development and production environment through the use of readily available CSS classes for each font family and font variant.
- * Brotli Compression
- * Highly Cacheable CSS
- * Easily use fonts using CSS classes
Alternatives to Easy Fonts
Owned by Monotype Imaging, a company founded in the late 1800s, Fonts.com allows artists and designers to buy and sell fonts. On this ecommerce site, parties looking for fonts can use the site's
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Google Fonts
In 2010, Google Fonts, previously called Google Web Fonts, came into being. It featured a vast collection of free web font services and used a unique and simple interface where users could access
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FontCreator is the world's leading font editor built to help you create amazing new fonts and edit existing fonts.
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SkyFonts is the simplest way to try, install, and manage fonts. With SkyFonts, you can install fonts from participating sites with a single click, and fonts are available on your computer in seconds.
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Seen a font in use and want to know what it is? Upload an image to WhatTheFont to find the closest matches in our database.
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