

FxSolver is a web app which enables students, professionals and DIYers to calculate thousands of different formulas from almost any field of Science and Engineering and acts as a virtual assistant when solving math-based problems. Driven by its vast and constantly growing library of available formulas it has become the app of choice for many users, especially those looking for a fast, easy and completely free way to solve problems and homework exercises without having to rely on professional math software or programming languages. With this app you can calculate, plot, link together, create, edit and share any formulas or full worksheets you choose and do this even faster than it would be possible with Spreadsheets or plain pen & paper.

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Features of FxSolver
  • Equation library
  • Graphing calculator
  • Science and engineering problem helper
  • Calculation of multiple equations at once
  • Formula editor
  • Linking of formula results
  • One-click sharing of full solutions with others
  • Data set creation like progressions, sequences, etc
FxSolver Reviews

It may not be obvious at first but this is one of the most useful calculators available for engineers. Whoever developed this should work on polishing the mobile version or making an app. Pretty please.

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