

Pyramid is a web framework designed to help developers who need to work in Python, an increasingly useful platform to have as the language becomes increasingly prevalent in the development community.

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Features of Pyramid
  • A web development framework compatible with all versions of Python
  • Bootstrapping options in the form of pcreate
  • Events and subscribers
Pros of Pyramid
  • Open source and exceedingly flexible framework
  • Supported by an enthusiastic community and very smart documentation
  • Scales very well to a wide range of different projects
Cons of Pyramid
  • Can be pretty confusing to someone with little experience working in the framework
  • Faces stiff competition from both Django and flash
Pyramid Reviews

If you're looking to develop a web app centered around Python, chances are you don't want to handle it all alone. That's where a web framework comes in. Frameworks provide you with a stack you can use to simplify the development and deployment process, and it takes a lot of the guesswork out of your design elements. Its open source structure provides users with more flexibility than they'll find in a closed framework like Flask, and products can be scaled easily to match your specific demands. Pyramid is designed from the ground up as a Goldilocks solution: not too big and not too small. You should be able to get value out of it regardless of the size or scope of your particular project. When we talk about a Goldilocks solution, it's in the context of what other frameworks offer. Megaframeworks provide you with a lot of direction in what can be done but inherently limit what you can accomplish because of these strict and highly structured rules. Microframeorks, meanwhile, leave you with little direction at all, leaving the process of learning the framework completely in yours hands. Pyramid falls squarely in the middle and can offer the advantages of each while mitigating the negative effects that come from falling too heavily on one end of the spectrum or the other. Pyramid is designed to help you keep your momentum throughout every stage of the project, reduce the threat of hitting roadblocks at the midway point, and help you stick your landing at the finish. Getting started with Pyramid is a simple affair. You can begin with a single module that can help you get a grip on the ins and outs of the framework and then expand outward via Pyramid's smooth and intuitive scaffolding system. Structure is offered in the form of templates, databases, and security solutions, providing you with a higher level of oversight, but you're never locked in to a particular methodology for doing things, so you can change up your work on the fly if you find your needs changing midway through the project. Generally, Pyramid relies more on add-ons than core modules to providing templating services. To some degree, Pyramid may be almost too open ended. Compared to Django and flask, it's easily the most flexible, but that can also make it a bit harder to get your bearings and know exactly where you should be starting. But for the developer who likes to explore, this can be a real asset. A smart and enthusiastic community supports the framework, and a rich library of add-ons allow you to customize the framework pretty specifically to your individual needs. It also comes with a generous level of documentation to help you learn along the way.

Alternatives to Pyramid


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