

Django is a Python web framework that is used for developing websites and other purposes. It produces code that is easy for almost anyone to understand, and it is even accessible to those who have little experience with a Python framework.

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Features of Django
  • Python web development framework
  • Fast coding of web apps
  • Vast HTTP libraries
  • Easy templates for quick coding
Pros of Django
  • Free to download
  • Very scalable
  • Python-based
  • Strong community support
Cons of Django
  • The framework has a monolithic nature
  • Developers must have an understanding of the complete framework to use it effectively
  • Multiple errors with templates
Django Reviews

Django was introduced by the Django Software Foundation in 2005. It has since become a preferred framework for building web applications. Comparable to Ruby on Rails, the software is based on the Python programming language. It has been used to build websites and apps such as Instagram, Disqus, and Mozilla. The core framework for Django is available as a free download which includes many features that are useful for web developers. Among these are a web server that can be used as a sandbox for testing, templates for speedy development, and sophisticated serialization systems. There is a paid package available for those who wish to contribute to the Django Software Foundation. This package features extras such as a Google sitemap creator and a tool for developing RSS feeds. This framework was designed with deadlines in mind. It is meant to help web developers move from concept to finished project in a short period of time. One of the ways it accomplishes this is by organizing development tasks with apps. These apps make it possible for developers to focus on the aspects of one project at a time. The final project can then be assembled with ease. Apps in Django make for a cleaner code, one that is less likely to require extensive debugging. There are also advanced security tools included in the framework which make it possible for developers to avoid security flaws or weaknesses in code. The major issues with the framework seems to be the way it specifies URL patterns. It has also been noted that some templates will automatically produce errors.

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Alternatives to Django


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Ruby on Rails

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Zend Framework

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