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Signup and boost your sales with Amazon keyword monitoring Tool. Track Amazon sales rank, Amazon Keywords ranking, Product reviews, Amazon Seller Rating, Pricing Tracking and more.
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Supercharge your price formation with ✅ qualitative data and ✅ algorithmic pricing by Competera retail price optimization software
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Built by Dow Jones, Factiva is a news aggregate service with a focus on helping business owners and investors stay ahead of the market curve.
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Acquire new customers with a social referral program. InviteBox is a flexible referral marketing solution that brings you new customers at no cost.
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Kompyte is a competitor tracking software that sends real-time alerts when your competitors make changes to their websites, products and digital marketing campaigns. Kompyte also automates
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Billions of web pages scraped since 2007. Trusted by thousands of customers worldwide including many of the Fortune 500. Five-star rated customer support.
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Find your growth areas and achieve marketing goals faster with high-quality forecasts and useful insights from OWOX BI.
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Periscope is an app that allows you to broadcast what you are doing at the moment. Periscope broadcasts you from your front camera but has the feature to switch over to your rear-facing camera.
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Poster POS

Restaurant POS System - fast, reliable and inexpensive restaurant management software solution for iPad or Android tablets.
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Smartling is a piece of software that operates through the web and offers advanced translation services. For most businesses, the process of translating content between various languages
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Vistaar is an innovator of price and revenue management solutions. Vistaar’s pricing software enables companies to achieve pricing best practices through price analytics, price optimization,
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